To all 2020 WNATV Club Members
Here’s hoping that all members and their families are healthy and safe during these stressful times. Life sure has changed with all the restrictions and challenges due to Covid-19. Your Board wishes to keep you informed on its discussions and decisions that have taken place in the past week.
1. Because last year was so disappointing, with so many planned rides being cancelled, a motion was passed by the Board that all 2020 regular members automatically become 2021 members. No payment is required. This letter/email that you receive is to confirm that you are NOW officially a 2021 member.
2. Members can see the financial statements ending December 31st 2020 in the Club Business Section of the webpage.
3. Regulations around the pandemic will not allow us to hold our Annual General Meeting to vote for new directors, approve the financial statements or do any planning. So for now we will roll over the elected directors’ term until that time when we can hold a meeting. If there are any objections or concerns please let us know by replying via email.
4. Finally we do have some rides that are preplanned and can be held at any time. Once we know when a ride can be held, emails will be sent out at least one week in advance informing members of the ride and its details. Also the information will be posted on the webpage.
Thank you all for understanding the situation and hope that we can get back to some kind of normality. We are presently in a “wait and see mode.”
Take Care and stay healthy
Your Board Members: Bob Martin President
Michael Constant Vice President
Art Constantineau Ride Development
Jean Claude Brunet Director
Barry Beauchamp Secretary/Treasurer