Saturday June 9,2018
The Kukagami to 805 was the second ride of the season for the West Nippissing ATV Club.
We couldn’t have asked for a better day weather wise and I’m sure fun was had by all who attended.
There was 18 ATV’s and 5 Side by Sides with a total of 28 in attendance.
We left from the parking lot at 9:10 a.m. going down to a trail that led to an abandoned track bridge where we stopped for a quick break.
From there we proceeded on, to the end of Ashagami Lake Road for our second break.
Continuing on from there on a old mine road we stopped at Washagami Lake then proceeded on to Murray Lake for our lunch break.
After lunch we followed a trail to Murray River Bridge continuing on along the Sturgeon River through an old dense trail down to the track bed then pushing on through another trail coming out at the Iron Bridge near 805.
Crossing the bridge we travelled on dusty roads back to a Old Mine Road leading back to our vehicles arriving back at 5:15 p.m.
The total ride was rated at a # 2 and everyone seemed to have had a good day although there were a few mishaps with bike breakdowns. We joined together as a group and did not leave anyone stranded.
Art Constantineau, Ride Leader