Holdridge Creek – July 20, 2024

Another club ride- completed

Ride Lead: Rob Mineault
Ride Tail: Ted Hargrave

We were a smaller group we had 12 people show to the ride on a cloudy day, with potential for rain in the atfternoon. Slowly worked our way through the trail, we had one unfortunate ATV stall in the large water crossing – which this year was approximately 2-2.5 feet deep in some areas. They were towed for a little while and it was determined that no water had entered their engine.- just a itttle into the air box – restarted and had no further issues along the trail. There was one other slow down when the ride lead’s shifter broke, but this was quickly repaired with tie wrap and the ride moved on.

We stopped at Finaylson Lake for lunch where all mingled and chatted.

The remainder of the ride was uneventful, we arrived early to the parking area around 14h00 which all appreciated.